If you are to be relocated or you are sending assignees to Norway, we are here to help during this challenging time for international business.

During the ongoing Corona-virus pandemic there is a lot of different advice appearing across various information channels. Different countries are choosing different approaches on how to reduce the spread of the virus - and as the real-time scenario is constantly shifting the measures taken within Norway also change from day-to-day.
Can I get into Norway during the corona lockdown?
Generally, anyone with a permit to stay in Norway should be allowed to enter. Arriving for work should be considered a valid reason. This was also specified in the decree released March 15th 2020 by the Norwegian government.

However, during the pandemic, we have seen cases where a working contract and approved immigration application has not been enough to get through transit-airports on the way to Norway.
Every person’s case is different and the real-time enforcements of border control change. If you are scheduled for arrival in Norway during the pandemic we recommend that you contact us to discuss your particular case.
Quarantine upon arrival in Norway - what to do and what not to do:
At the time of writing, everyone arriving from outside of Norway is requested to do 14 days of home quarantine. This is to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus in case you are infected.
For more information about home quarantine and what to do, please read our other article: For internationals in Norway during the COVID-19 virus outbreak
Medical coverage when arriving in Norway:

If you are arriving in Norway with a valid working contract and have been granted a work permit, with an intent to stay more than 12 months, you should in almost all cases be covered by the Norwegian healthcare system from the day you enter the country.
The healthcare system in Norway is mainly public and taxpayers are generally covered. There are a few exceptions where people will not be paying the membership to the National Insurance (folketrygden). If you are not sure if you will be covered we can help you find out.
Can I start working without registering at SUA/Police?
Yes. Due to the current situation, the Service Center for Foreign Workers (SUA) and the police desks are closed to the public (at the time of writing). The UDI has provided the information that foreign workers who are granted a permit and that have arrived in Norway are allowed to start working even without registering.
This means that also non-EU citizens who have arrived in Norway during the coronavirus outbreak can start working. Registration will need to be done when the police resume accepting visitors.
All scheduled appointments at SUA have been cancelled and new ones must be booked. We are of course on top of this and will arrange appointments at the earliest possible dates for all our clients’ employees.
NOTE: This article will be updated to help answer more questions and be adapted to the latest scenarios. However, we are unable to keep it updated in real-time and there may be inaccurate information in this article at any given time. Therefore, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us!